Why Hot?
why hot


IMPROVES BALANCE & BODY STRENGTH. Hot yoga is known to improve your balance, range of motion, and full body strength.

INCREASED FLEXIBILITY. Practicing in a heated room allows you to stretch more and have a greater range of motion. Studies have shown that after 8 weeks of practicing Hot 26, the practioners had greater flexibility in their lower backs, shoulders, and hamstrings compared to the control group.

BUILDS BONE DENISTY (extremely important for women). Bone density declines as you age. Luckily yoga helps build bone density because of the weight supportive poses. A 2014 study of women who participated in Bikram (Hot 26) yoga over a 5-year period found that premenopausal women had increased bone density in their neck, hips, and lower back.

HIGHER CALORIC BURN. You burn more calories in a hot yoga session than a regular one. That is obvious. But did you know that you can burn up to 400 calories (for women and even more for men) in one of our Hot 26 (75 minute) classes depending on how hard you work?

TAKES CARE OF YOUR HEART. The heat makes you practice more challenging so it gives your heart, lungs, and muscles a really good workout.

*The American Heart Association found that 3 hot yoga classes weekly for 12 weeks significantly lowered blood pressure in people with stage 1 hypertension.

The infrared heat improves the functioning of blood vessels increasing blood circulation while also lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The expansion of blood vessels also supports & strengthens immune system cell growth, promoting further healing. Expanded capillaries encourage lymphatic cleansing & the body’s ability to detoxify.

HELPS BLOOD GLUCOSE REGULATION. While any type of exercise can help burn energy and reduce circulating levels of glucose (sugar) in your bloodstream, hot yoga may be an especially helpful tool for people at higher risk for type 2 diabetes.


IMPROVES BALANCE & BODY STRENGTH. Hot yoga is known to improve your balance, range of motion, and full body strength.

INCREASED FLEXIBILITY. Practicing in a heated room allows you to stretch more and have a greater range of motion. Studies have shown that after 8 weeks of practicing Hot 26, the practioners had greater flexibility in their lower backs, shoulders, and hamstrings compared to the control group.

BUILDS BONE DENISTY (extremely important for women). Bone density declines as you age. Luckily yoga helps build bone density because of the weight supportive poses. A 2014 study of women who participated in Bikram (Hot 26) yoga over a 5-year period found that premenopausal women had increased bone density in their neck, hips, and lower back.

HIGHER CALORIC BURN. You burn more calories in a hot yoga session than a regular one. That is obvious. But did you know that you can burn up to 400 calories (for women and even more for men) in one of our Hot 26 (75 minute) classes depending on how hard you work?

TAKES CARE OF YOUR HEART. The heat makes you practice more challenging so it gives your heart, lungs, and muscles a really good workout.

*The American Heart Association found that 3 hot yoga classes weekly for 12 weeks significantly lowered blood pressure in people with stage 1 hypertension.

The infrared heat improves the functioning of blood vessels increasing blood circulation while also lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The expansion of blood vessels also supports & strengthens immune system cell growth, promoting further healing. Expanded capillaries encourage lymphatic cleansing & the body’s ability to detoxify.

HELPS BLOOD GLUCOSE REGULATION. While any type of exercise can help burn energy and reduce circulating levels of glucose (sugar) in your bloodstream, hot yoga may be an especially helpful tool for people at higher risk for type 2 diabetes.


BETTER SLEEP Yoga practitioners tend to sleep better. That’s been proven. But why? A regular yoga routine helps your quality of sleep because the combination of the gentle movements, meditation, and regulated breath reduces stress and calms the nervous system.

The American Sleep Foundation even recommends practicing hot yoga several hours before bedtime to help you improve your sleep.

DEPRESSION RELIEF. Yoga makes everyone happy because it helps you to relax. Many studies have concluded that yoga is an effective method for helping to reduce depressive symptoms.

Side note: Infrared heat may stimulate serotonin production – the hormone linked to mood regulation – and benefit people suffering from depression.

ALLEVIATES STRESS . Many people turn to yoga as a natural way to deal with stress.

Read the results of some of the many studies below: A National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) found that 94% of people use yoga for wellness reasons, 55% of yogis reported improved sleep, and over 85% reported a reduction in stress

A study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport found that a 16-week program of hot yoga significantly reduced stress levels in sedentary and stressed adults.

COMMUNITY. You burn more calories in a hot yoga session than a regular one. That is obvious. But did you know that you can burn up to 400 calories (for women and even more for men) in one of our Hot 26 (75 minute) classes depending on how hard you work?

TAKES CARE OF YOUR HEART. Research proves that we need to connect with other humans for our happiness levels. The community and camaraderie between yogis is a special bond that online classes cannot replicate. This is magnified with hot yogis who tend to be super passionate about their hot practice.


BETTER SLEEP Yoga practitioners tend to sleep better. That’s been proven. But why? A regular yoga routine helps your quality of sleep because the combination of the gentle movements, meditation, and regulated breath reduces stress and calms the nervous system.

The American Sleep Foundation even recommends practicing hot yoga several hours before bedtime to help you improve your sleep.

DEPRESSION RELIEF. Yoga makes everyone happy because it helps you to relax. Many studies have concluded that yoga is an effective method for helping to reduce depressive symptoms.

Side note: Infrared heat may stimulate serotonin production – the hormone linked to mood regulation – and benefit people suffering from depression.

ALLEVIATES STRESS . Many people turn to yoga as a natural way to deal with stress.

Read the results of some of the many studies below: A National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) found that 94% of people use yoga for wellness reasons, 55% of yogis reported improved sleep, and over 85% reported a reduction in stress

A study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport found that a 16-week program of hot yoga significantly reduced stress levels in sedentary and stressed adults.

COMMUNITY. You burn more calories in a hot yoga session than a regular one. That is obvious. But did you know that you can burn up to 400 calories (for women and even more for men) in one of our Hot 26 (75 minute) classes depending on how hard you work?

TAKES CARE OF YOUR HEART. Research proves that we need to connect with other humans for our happiness levels. The community and camaraderie between yogis is a special bond that online classes cannot replicate. This is magnified with hot yogis who tend to be super passionate about their hot practice.

why hot
why hot


NOURISHES THE SKIN. One of the benefits of sweating in a warm environment is that it improves circulation, bringing oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to skin cells. This nourishes your skin from the inside.

Our infrared heating panels help increase blood flow from increased blood circulation which means increased oxygenation to the skin. Other beneficial effects include improved skin texture and wrinkles due to increased collagen and elastin from stimulated fibroblasts.

And a side note: Infrared heat is considered 7x more effective at detoxifying heavy metals and other environmental toxins.

WEIGHT LOSS. If you practice consistently and with determination you will lose weight.

DETOX. Infrared heat is absolutely safe that penetrates within the body which helps in detoxifying the internal organs instead only causing the body to sweat. In infrared heat yoga, a humidifier is used ensuring that the practitioner will not faint during the yoga session due to heat exhaustion.


NOURISHES THE SKIN. One of the benefits of sweating in a warm environment is that it improves circulation, bringing oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to skin cells. This nourishes your skin from the inside.

Our infrared heating panels help increase blood flow from increased blood circulation which means increased oxygenation to the skin. Other beneficial effects include improved skin texture and wrinkles due to increased collagen and elastin from stimulated fibroblasts.

And a side note: Infrared heat is considered 7x more effective at detoxifying heavy metals and other environmental toxins.

WEIGHT LOSS. If you practice consistently and with determination you will lose weight.

DETOX. Infrared heat is absolutely safe that penetrates within the body which helps in detoxifying the internal organs instead only causing the body to sweat. In infrared heat yoga, a humidifier is used ensuring that the practitioner will not faint during the yoga session due to heat exhaustion.

why hot